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Transactions for Toronto Maple Leafs

[12/23/2023 9:00:24 AM] Toronto Maple Leafs was eliminated at round 2 of year 2.
[12/15/2023 12:27:31 PM] IUP Crimson Hawks was eliminated at round 1 of year 2.
[11/14/2023 9:22:30 PM] New Record for Team's Most Hits (28) in 1 Game for Toronto Maple Leafs!
[11/12/2023 6:15:33 PM] Team Name Change : IUP Crimson Hawks changed name to IUP Crimson Hawks
[11/9/2023 10:09:00 PM] New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (21) in 1 Game for Toronto Maple Leafs!
[9/19/2023 7:57:47 PM] New Record for Team's Most Penalties Minutes (49) in 1 Game for Toronto Maple Leafs!
[7/30/2023 7:31:17 AM] New Record for Team's Most Penalties Minutes (37) in 1 Game for Toronto Maple Leafs!
[7/30/2023 7:31:17 AM] New Record for Team's Most Penalties Minutes (37) in 1 Game for Toronto Maple Leafs!